Tiktok’s fate in washington

TikTok faces a US court hearing over allegations it poses a national security risk due to ties with China’s government.

TikTok’s Fate in Washington: Can China-Backed App Survive National Security Scrutiny?

The battle between the US government and TikTok, a Chinese-owned social media app, has reached its boiling point. Next week, a court hearing will take place in Washington D.C., where the fate of the popular app will be decided. Continue reading “Tiktok’s fate in washington”

How social media affects mental health

Social media’s dark side is eroding mental health due to comparison, competition, and voyeurism, leading to devastating consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

The Unseen Consequences of a ‘Perfect’ Online Life

A study reveals the devastating effects of social media on mental health, and how it’s changing the way we live our lives forever.

As we click through our feeds, scrolling past perfectly curated selfies and polished advertisements, it’s easy to forget about the true cost of our online obsession. But a growing body of research is shining a light on the dark side of social media, revealing a disturbing picture of how these platforms are eroding our mental health. Continue reading “How social media affects mental health”