Trump’s immigration plan threatens california’s food supply

California farmers are facing a crisis due to President Trump’s immigration policy, which threatens to decimate the industry by deporting undocumented farmworkers.

The Great Agricultural Divide: How Donald Trump’s Immigration Policy Could Decimate California’s Farm Industry

A Tale of Two Worlds: Farmers and Farmworkers on Opposite Sides of the Fence

As the sun rises over the vast expanse of California’s agricultural fields, a sense of unease settles over the state’s farm industry. For decades, farmers have been reliant on a workforce that is predominantly undocumented, with an estimated 80% of the state’s farmworkers lacking proper immigration status. Continue reading “Trump’s immigration plan threatens california’s food supply”

California takes lead on regulating artificial intelligence

California passes laws regulating artificial intelligence, including requiring online platforms to label or remove election-related deepfakes.

California Takes Lead on Regulating Artificial Intelligence

In a bold move, Governor Gavin Newsom has signed five new laws into effect in California, making it a leader in regulating artificial intelligence, particularly when it comes to preventing AI deepfakes from influencing elections. These laws are significant steps towards harnessing the benefits of AI while mitigating its risks and demonstrate the state’s commitment to protecting citizens from the potential dangers of this technology. Continue reading “California takes lead on regulating artificial intelligence”