Artificial intelligence as new ally fighting future pandemics

The article highlights artificial intelligence (AI) as a key ally in the battle against future pandemics by detecting early signs of outbreaks, predicting variant spread, and accelerating vaccine development, but notes challenges such as bias, data availability, and ethical use, requiring collaboration and equitable representation.

Artificial Intelligence: A Key Ally in the Battle Against Future Pandemics

The COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on humanity, resulting in unprecedented global devastation and loss of life. As we continue to navigate the post-pandemic world, it’s imperative that we prepare for the inevitable emergence of future pandemics. Continue reading “Artificial intelligence as new ally fighting future pandemics”

Kākāpō’s chameleon colors exposed

New Zealand’s kākāpō bird changes color from green to olive to evade extinct predators, study reveals.

The Hidden History Behind the Kākāpō’s Chameleon Colors Exposed

In a groundbreaking study published in the journal PLOS Biology, researchers have shed light on the mysterious evolutionary history behind the changing colors of New Zealand’s critically endangered kākāpō bird. This fascinating discovery not only provides new insights into the unique characteristics of this flightless parrot species but also has significant implications for its conservation. Continue reading “Kākāpō’s chameleon colors exposed”

How social media affects mental health

Social media’s dark side is eroding mental health due to comparison, competition, and voyeurism, leading to devastating consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

The Unseen Consequences of a ‘Perfect’ Online Life

A study reveals the devastating effects of social media on mental health, and how it’s changing the way we live our lives forever.

As we click through our feeds, scrolling past perfectly curated selfies and polished advertisements, it’s easy to forget about the true cost of our online obsession. But a growing body of research is shining a light on the dark side of social media, revealing a disturbing picture of how these platforms are eroding our mental health. Continue reading “How social media affects mental health”

Rapid brain decline because of smoking

Smoking accelerates cognitive decline by up to 85% more than non-smoking lifestyles.


A groundbreaking study published in Nature Communications has shed light on a disturbing trend: smoking is a significant lifestyle factor linked to accelerated cognitive decline among older adults. The research, conducted by University College London (UCL), analyzed survey responses from 32,000 adults aged 50 and older across 14 European countries over a decade. Continue reading “Rapid brain decline because of smoking”