California takes lead on regulating artificial intelligence

California passes laws regulating artificial intelligence, including requiring online platforms to label or remove election-related deepfakes.

California Takes Lead on Regulating Artificial Intelligence

In a bold move, Governor Gavin Newsom has signed five new laws into effect in California, making it a leader in regulating artificial intelligence, particularly when it comes to preventing AI deepfakes from influencing elections. These laws are significant steps towards harnessing the benefits of AI while mitigating its risks and demonstrate the state’s commitment to protecting citizens from the potential dangers of this technology. Continue reading “California takes lead on regulating artificial intelligence”

Abortion divide: will Trump lose his conservative base?

Donald Trump’s wavering stance on abortion has created a chasm within the social conservative movement that may prove difficult to bridge. As Lila Rose’s defection demonstrates, even some of the most influential figures within the movement are beginning to question their support for the former president. The implications of this development are far-reaching and could have a significant impact on the outcome of the 2024 election. Trump’s wavering stance on abortion has created a crisis of trust among his socially conservative base, and only time will tell if he can find a way to win back their support.

Abortion Divide: Will Trump Lose His Conservative Base?

In a shocking turn of events, Lila Rose, a prominent anti-abortion activist and founder of Live Action, has urged her followers to abandon Donald Trump due to his wavering stance on abortion. This unexpected move poses a significant risk to Trump’s election prospects, particularly among the socially conservative voters who are crucial for his success. Continue reading “Abortion divide: will Trump lose his conservative base?”

Will Eluned Morgan’s reform NHS?

Eluned Morgan’s “country-first” approach to reforming the Welsh NHS has sparked both praise and concern over its potential impact on other public services.


As the first minister of Wales, Eluned Morgan has made waves with her bold “country-first” approach to governance. In a recent interview with BBC Politics Wales, she outlined her vision for prioritizing Welsh interests above party allegiances. Continue reading “Will Eluned Morgan’s reform NHS?”